vrijdag 9 september 2016

How to: Slide up braids with flower and regular braid

Helpful tutorials:
Slide up braids
Dutch braid
3 strand braid (regular braid)

You'll need:
Two temporary elastics
Three small elastics
Bobby pins

How to do this hairstyle?
  1. Start with a part left and right off center.
  2. Create a third part from the left part to the right part so you'll have created a square.
  3. Bring this hair to the side for now - you'll braid with this later.
  4. Take a small section of hair on one side of the head and do a 4 strand slide up braid with this. Finish off with a temporary elastic.
  5. Take another small section of hair on the other side of the head and do another 4 strand slide up braid. Again, finish off with a temporary elastic.
  6. Bring the slide up braids together and put an elastic around them. You can now remove the temporary elastics.
  7. Take the hair from the square you created at the beginning and start a Dutch braid. Only add in the hair from the square and then continue braiding without adding in hair. If you like, you can pancake one of the sides of the braid for a more beautiful flower.
  8. Now turn the braid into the shape of a flower and pin it into place with bobby pins. Try to hide the elastic from the slide up braids with the flower.
  9. Use the rest of the hair for a regular 3 strand braid. If you like, you can finish off the braid with a bow, flower or another fun hair tie/hair clip.
Good luck!

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