zondag 5 juni 2016

How to: triple ladder braid

Helpful tutorials:
Waterfall twist
Lace braid

You'll need:
Three temporary elastics
One small elastic
Hair accessoires (optional)

How to do this hairstyle?
  1. Part the hair just off centre. Take a small strand of hair on the side with most hair (make sure to leave enough hair for more braids later on) and do a waterfall twist with this. Finish off with a temporary elastic.
  2. Take a new strand of hair below the first waterfall twist (again - leave enough hair for two more braids). Make sure not to take hair from the waterfall strands. Do a second waterfall twist with this hair. The strands you put through the twist strands are the waterfall strands from your first waterfall twist. Finish off with another temporary elastic.
  3. Now do a third waterfall twist (leave some hair above the ear for a final braid). Again use the waterfall strands you have to put through the twist strands and finish off with a temporary elastic.
  4. Take the hair right above the ear and divide it into three strands.
  5. Do a lace braid with this hair. The hair you're adding in, are the waterfall strands. Add the twists last of all. Once they're nicely in the braid, you can remove the temporary elastics.
  6. Finish off the braid with a small elastic. If you like, add some accessoires.
Good luck!

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